Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The reason I hate young people

I was sent an email the other that featured a series of blogs / comments / editorial pieces entitled "The Reason I hate young people" - or something similiar. See It is, to be fair, hilarious. Comedy's not the easiest thing to write, and this particular chap has the talent, in spades.
I've kept a few that particularly tickled me, and have forwarded the email to many of my friends.
But I find myself at odds with the basic sentiments.
I spent yesterday talking to a bunch of young fellows about advertising. It's what I know, and they're students at a local media school: I was guest lecturing. And I was impressed by their work ethics, their ideas, their bubbling enthusiasm, their close touch with reality. Late teens and early twenties, they had a good, mature grasp of what the Global Economic Crisis (GEC, for short. As in "have you been GECmated today?" and "Don't worry - your GEC's in the mail"), they had an instinctive understanding of what makes people tick.
And they were all ready to listen. They saw what I had to offer them, and they decided early on that they wanted a piece of it.
I've never seen myself as being much of a teacher, but I find that I'm really enjoying this gig. I've done it twice now, and can't wait to do it again.
The reason I hate young people? It's because they're so much better at being people that I was, when I was their age.
Viva la Juvenilia!

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